For information and booking plese contact:
Agriturismo "IL BORGHETTO"
Via Borghetto n°6, Madonna della Stella, 06036 Montefalco - Perugia - Italy
Tel.: +39 338 4887737 - +39 0742 399115 - Fax: +39 0742 399115
Check-in: from 11:30 to 12:30 or from 16:00 to 21:00
Check-out: from 8:00 to 10:00
Coordinates GPS: 12°40'80" East - 42°51'14" North
Like anything simple it is more complicated to say than to do it. Have a safe journey!
The nearest station is Trevi ( 5 Kms ). If you travel by train we will come to take you.
Rent a car :
Spoleto AVIS 0743 46272
Foligno AVIS 0742 340919
Perugia AVIS 075 6929346-796
HERTZ 075 5002439- 5928590
Roma HERTZ 06 65011553
Airport :
Perugia SantEgidio 075 6592141
Roma Fiumicino tel 06 65951
Alitalia 06 65631